
 -DEFINE <arg>                -- Defines a macro
 -FILE <arg>                      -- Load command line arguments from <arg>rmation
 -MESSAGES                    -- Specifies printing of informative messages
 -NOCOPYRIGHT             -- Suppresses printing of copyright banner
 -NOSTDOUT                    -- Turn off output to screen
 -NOWARN <arg>             -- Disables printing of the specified warning message

 -- To compile all the modules in source.v
    % ncvlog source.v
 -- To compile with informative messages
    % ncvlog -messages source.v

2. ncelab
 ncelab [options] [lib.]cell[:view]

 -MESSAGES                              -- Specifies printing of informative messages
 -NOCOPYRIGHT                      -- Suppresses printing of copyright banner
 -NOSTDOUT                             -- Turn off output to screen
 -TIMESCALE <arg>                  -- Set default timescale on
Verilog modules.
 -ACCESS <arg>                        -- Set default access visibility. {+rwc} turn on read/write/connectivity.
 -FILE <arg>                                -- Load command line arguments from <arg>
 -LOADPLI1 <arg>                     -- Specify the library_name:boot_routine(s) to dynamically load a PLI1.0 application
 -MAXDELAYS                             -- Selects maximum delays for simulation
 -MINDELAYS                             -- Selects minimum delays for simulation
 -TYPDELAYS                             -- Selects typical delays for simulation
 -NONEG_TCHK                        -- Disallow negative values in SETUPHOLD & RECREM timing checks
 -NONOTIFIER                           -- Notifiers are ignored in timing checks.
 -NOSPECIFY                             -- Don't execute timing checks, ignore path delays and skip SDF annotations.
 -NOTIMINGCHECKS               -- Don't execute timing checks
 -NOWARN <arg>                      -- Disables printing of the specified warning message
 -NO_TCHK_MSG                     -- Turn off timing check warnings
 -SDF_NO_WARNINGS           -- Do not report SDF warnings

 -- To elaborate
    % ncelab
    % ncelab
    % ncelab top
 -- To elaborate with informative messages
    % ncelab -messages

3. ncsim
 ncsim [options] [lib.]cell[:view]

 -FILE <arg>                       -- Load command line arguments from <arg>
 -GUI                                    -- Enter window mode before running simulation
 -INPUT <arg>                    -- Script to be executed during initialization
 -MESSAGES                      -- Specifies printing of informative messages
 -NOCOPYRIGHT              -- Suppresses printing of copyright banner
 -NONTCGLITCH              -- Suppress delayed net glitch suppression messages
 -NOSTDOUT                     -- Turn off output to screen
 -NOWARN <arg>              -- Disables printing of the specified warning message
 -SDF_NO_WARNINGS   -- Do not report SDF warnings

 -- To simulate the snapshot
    % ncsim
    % ncsim
    % ncsim top
 -- To simulate while writing to the log file ./ncsim.log
    % ncsim -log ./ncsim.log
 -- To update the snapshot and simulate
    % ncsim -update                                  
4. ncverilog
 ncverilog [all valid Verilog-XL arguments]

Supported Dash options:
 -f <filename>         Read host command arguments from file

Supported plus options:
 +access+<rwc>                               Turn on Read, Write and/or Connectivity Access
 +define+<macro>                            Define a macro from commandline
 +loadpli1=<arg>                              Specify the library_name:boot_routine(s) to dynamically load a PLI1.0 application from commandline
 +maxdelays                                      Selects maximum delays for simulation
 +mindelays                                       Selects minimum delays for simulation
 +typdelays                                         Selects typical delays for simulation
 +ncdumpports_format+<arg>       Specify EVCD format flag for $dumpports
 +neg_tchk                                          Allow negative values in SETUPHOLD & RECREM timing checks (default)
 +noneg_tchk                                     Disallow negative values in SETUPHOLD & RECREM timing checks
 +nocopyright                                     Suppresses printing of copyright banner
 +no_notifier                                       Notifiers are ignored in timing checks
 +nosdfwarn                                       Do not report SDF warnings
 +nospecify                                         Suppresses timing checks and path delays in specify blocks.
                                                              Ignore SDF annotations.
 +nostdout                                          Turn off output to screen(terminal)
 +notchkmsg                                      Turn off timing check warnings
 +notimingcheck                                Don't execute timing checks
 +nowarn+<arg>                                Disables printing of the specified warning message
 +sdf_nowarnings                             Do not report SDF warnings

5. ncsdfc
 ncsdfc [options] sdf_file

 -COMPILE                                   -- Compile the specified SDF files (default)
 -DECOMPILE                             -- Decompile the specified SDF files
 -LOGFILE <arg>                        -- Specifies the file to contain log information
 -MESSAGES                              -- Specifies printing of informative messages
 -NOCOPYRIGHT                       -- Suppresses printing of copyright banner
 -OUTPUT <arg>                        -- Redirects compiled SDF output to the specified file
 -WORSTCASE_ROUNDING   -- Truncate min delays, round max delays up

 -- To compile an SDF file:
    % ncsdfc dcache.sdf
    Creates compiled SDF file dcache.sdf.X
 -- To specify a name for the compiled SDF file:
    % ncsdfc ipipe.sdf -OUTPUT ipipe.compiled
    Creates compiled SDF file ipipe.compiled
 -- To decompile a compiled SDF file:
    % ncsdf -DECOMPILE ebox.sdf.X
    Creates decompiled SDF file ebox.sdf.X.sdfd
 -- To specify a name for the decompiled SDF file:
    % ncsdfc -DECOMPILE ebox.sdf.X -OUTPUT ebox.sdfd
    Creates decompiled SDF file ebox.sdfd

6. nchelp
 nchelp [options] tool error
 nchelp [-cdslib | -hdlvar]

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